Time Lapse Allium plummerae

Plummer’s onion (Allium plummerae) is one of approximately 130 Allium species native to North America. This species was named by the American botanist Sereno Watson (described in the Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts xviii. (1882-83) 195) in honor of Sara Plummer Lemmon, a notable American botanist and plant collector who was part of the expedition that collected the specimens. Sara Plummer Lemmon also contributed significantly to the designation of the golden poppy as California’s state flower.
Plummer’s onion is native to southern Arizona (Pima and Cochise Counties) in the United States and to Sonora in Mexico. It thrives on rocky slopes and stream banks in mountainous regions at elevations of 1600–2800 meters. The plant produces elongated bulbs up to 5 cm long, typically less than 1.5 cm in diameter. Its flowers are up to 10 mm across, pure white with creamy yellow ovaries that turn a tawny orange color as they age.
Plummer’s onion has not been widely commercialized like some other ornamental Allium species. Unlike more commonly cultivated species and hybrids, Plummer’s onion tends to be more of interest to botanists and plant enthusiasts, especially those focusing on native plants and wildflowers.